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    2024年4月8日 07:19 发表于 阿联酋


    该公司以运营合法交易平台为借口,进行金融欺诈,诱使人们投入更多资金并承担投资风险。 他们通过开设具有巨大点差的交易来实施“幕后”计划。把70%-80%的资金用于投资,不保留保证金来支持未平仓头寸。 他们会把你逼到墙角,让你投入更多资金来支持未平仓头寸。 骗子! 可惜意识到得太晚,损失了一大笔钱。 他们不会回复你的whatsapp消息,总是和你说好话,表明他们正在努力解决问题。 说什么这从未发生过,他们也不想让这种事发生。 远离该平台,阿联酋当局应该关注这些欺诈者并采取必要的行动。 更多utrademarkets的受害者也应该站出来,让我们制止这些骗子!该公司网站是https://www.utrademarkets.com/

    Manipulative Spread charges & control on the MT5 platform
    This company under the pretext of running the legitimate trading platform are running a financial fraud scheme by enticing the people to put in more money and take risks with your investments. They are running their "behind the scenes" agenda by opening certain trades which have a huge high spreads and they will invest 70 to 80% of your capital instead of keeping margin to support the open positions. They will push you to the corner and insist of putting in more money to support your open positions. Scammers! Unfortunately realized it very late and lost a huge amount of money. They won't reply to your whatsapp messages and always talk nicely to you, showing their are trying to solve your positions and get into a healthy state. This never happened and they don't want to make it happen. Stay away and authorities in UAE should take a note of this fraudsters and take necessary actions. Need more people to come forward who have been scammed by utrademarkets and let us put a stop to these scammers!The company website is https://www.utrademarkets.com/


