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    2024年3月25日 12:24 发表于 土耳其

    被Ventezo Limited公司骗了

    我被 Ventezo Limited狠狠骗了。2024 年 2 月 26 日,我从账户 STANDARD-4836636 申请出金8618 美元。截至目前,他们仍未将钱转入我的账户,我询问相关信息,未得到任何回复。我说我要投诉,也没能从在线客服那得到任何帮助和答复。他们说会出金,但一直没有采取任何行动,也没有回复。我已经等了一个多月,等着公司把出金转给我,但是账户里的钱一直没收到。请不要与这家公司合作,它是一家骗子公司,可以随时自行没收你的钱。

    Scammed by Ventezo Limited
    I was seriously defrauded by Ventezo Limited. On February 26, 2024, I created a withdrawal request of $ 8618 from my account STANDARD-4836636. As of the current date, they have not transferred my money to my account, I asked for information, they did not respond to my messages. They kept saying that there was intensity, but they did not send my money to my account, I said I would complain, although I did not respond to my messages, I did not receive any help and answers from live support in any way. Although they still say that they will not pay your money, they have not taken any steps to pay it, they do not respond. I have been waiting for more than a month for the company to transfer my withdrawal request to me, but the money waiting in the account is not sent to me. Please do not work with this company, it is a fraudulent company, they can confiscate your money at any time at their discretion


