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    Yigit Efe
    2024年3月25日 11:03 发表于 波兰


    我们通过公司申请出金,等了很久,好像有 1 个月,他们告诉我们,我们搞错了,只能出本金,不能出利润。他们还给我们发了一份文件。我通过电子邮件和 WhatsApp 将这份文件转发给了他们,他们才让我们在网站上出金。后来,客服热线 +63 927 574 0301 告诉我,如果在银行转账一栏写上我的 TRC20 地址,然后通过这种方式出金,我的钱会更快到账。通过 TRC20 出金在一天之内就能到账。银行转账则最长为 5 个工作日。今天为止,已经过去 7 个工作日了,我们的钱还没有到账!他们也没有通过电子邮件或 WhatsApp 回复我们!他们让我们签署了一份文件,说他们会把本金付给我们,但 7 个工作日过去了,他们并没有把钱付给我们,我们也无法以任何方式联系到他们!

    We are not allowed to withdraw money
    After waiting for a long time, like 1 month, for our withdrawal request through the company, they told us that we had made a mistake and that we could only withdraw our principal, not our profit. And they sent a document for this. And so I sent this document and forwarded it to them both via e-mail and WhatsApp, and they made it possible to withdraw money on our portal. Later, the support line at +63 927 574 0301 told me that if I write my TRC20 address in the bank transfer section and withdraw my money that way, my money will reach me faster. Withdrawals made via TRC20 arrive within the day. For bank transfer, the limit was a maximum of 5 business days. Even though 7 working days have passed today, our money still hasn't arrived! And again they do not answer us either via e-mail or WhatsApp! Even though they made us sign a document stating that they would pay us our principal, they did not pay us our money for 7 working days and we cannot reach them in any way!


