2024年3月25日 22:33 发表于

我的2800美元出金已经卡了8个月了,我已经交了税费和其他费用,但一直不能出。我把所有钱都投到这个平台了,但什么也拿不回来。出金的时候,他们要我缴税,我缴了,566美元。证据我都有,我想拿回钱。我为了盈利入金,但他们把我的钱全吞了,说我一天内交易多次,所以账户被冻结,根本就是无稽之谈。过了一段时间,他们把我的账号从Titan转到云商汇鑫有限公司。 他们把所有的东西都改了,还吞了我的钱。 请帮我出金。
unable to withdraw
my money is stuck from last 8 month. 2800$. unable to withdraw my money. I paid tax and everything. I put all my money with this platform but no return. on behalf of withdrawing they asked me to pay tax. I paid 566$ tax also. I need my money. I have all proofs. I deposit for earning but they ate my money. they say I trade many time in a single day. so your account is Freez. this is no sense of trading platform. after sometime they change my account from Titan to yun shang hui Xin limited. they change everything. they ate my money. help me to withdraw please