2024年3月18日 13:18 发表于

Fx opulence 给出假的交易信号,并在一段时间后停止所有类型出金,发出黑客入侵软件的消息。在巨大的压力下,他们承诺只出交易者在 3 月 14 日之后获得的利润。他们只出金了一次,之后就不痛不痒了。请大家提高警惕,并要求当局对 Fxopulence 及其领导者采取适当和必要的行动。
High level scam and break of withdrawal
Fx opulence creat a hypothetical signal based trading and after a period give a massage for hacking of there software by means stop the all types of withdrawal. After a huge pressure they promise for withdrawal of only profit which was gain by traders after 14th of March. One singal withdraw done by them but after that they not to pain head for further payment.
Kindly be aware all of person and request to authority that they take proper and necessary action against fxopulence and there leaders.