Lost my confidence
2024年3月17日 00:07 发表于

我被一个中国女孩骗了,她叫秋,一开始给我发消息,说发错人了,然后跟我继续聊天,说她在Soon trade5 app上投资了。于是我也入金$20000,一开始我出金100,后来想要出10000美金的时候,他们跟我说要支付12.5%的税费,在付了那一万美金的税费之后,还是无法出金,我就发现这是一个骗局,让我落入了这个app的陷阱。不要在此投资。
Unable to withdraw
I was scammed by one Chinese girl , her name Is QIU, initially she chatted with me and sent messages to wrong person. Later she continues talked nice and to invest in Soon trade5 app. I invested 20000$, initially I withdraw 100 and later when I withdraw 10000$, they asked to pay platforms tax 12.5%. After paid 10000$ tax also unable to withdraw the money. I found this is scams and trapped me in this app. Please do not invest