2024年3月11日 23:37 发表于

Kodin markets骗局
2024年,我遇到了一个老朋友,和一个香港女孩开始约会,她的名字叫Kelly,她让我进入Kodin capital Markets,每笔交易都不重要。 月底我想提现,账号被封了又解封,说涉及杀猪盘。
Kodin markets scam
In the beginning, in 2024, I met an old friend with a Hong Kong girl and started dating, her name is Kelly, she asked me to enter the Kodin capital Markets, every transaction didn't matter. At the end of the month I want to withdraw it, the account is blocked and unblocked by the, Forteclaim the reason was a that it was a pig butchering romance scam.