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    Anna 534
    发表于 澳大利亚


    我第一次在他们那里注册时只花了 380 美元,文章中说一周就赚了 3000 美元。在与该公司打交道的短短一周内,他们就从我这里拿走了 4971.52 美元。我已经提供了我的身份证,如果你查一下入金,都是为了申请签证或绿卡,这可能是身份诈骗。他们昨天向我索要 25,000 美元,当我调查该公司时,查到了一些交易记录。
    交易日期 商户详细信息 待付金额 2024 年 2 月 27 日 ISI*USC MARKET PLACE GIVATAYIM ISR 是 $1,529.63
    2024 年 2 月 27 日 ISI*USC MARKET PLACE GIVATAYIM ISR 是 $764
    2024 年 2 月 22 日 NFTPAY.XYZ DELRAY BEACH FL 否 $380.65
    2024 年 2 月 23 日 TRADERSCHOOL LONDON GBR 否 $765.58
    2024 年 2 月 23 日 TRADERSCHOOL LONDON GBR 否 $1,531.16
    我已经通知我的银行调查,以便拿回我的钱。他们甚至都不是受监管的股票交易商。我的银行卡已被注销,还需要注销我的驾照。我想从网站上出金,但还在等待中。他们告诉我,他们会把我的钱用在股市上,我不能动它。操纵市场是一种犯罪,涉及故意提高或降低金融产品(包括股票)的价值,或为此影响市场行为。《2001 年公司法》(Corporations Act 2001)第 1041A 条禁止操纵市场。

    I had firstly registered with them for only $380 the article advised the host made $3000 in a week. In just a week dealing with the company they have taken $4971.52 from me. I have given my ID if you look into the company money was deposited into it's to apply for a vise or green card this could be identity scam also. They asked for $25,000 yesterday thats when I looked into the company these are the transaction Transaction Date Merchant Details Pending Amount 27 February 2024 ISI*USC MARKET PLACE GIVATAYIM ISR Yes $1,529.63 27 February 2024 ISI*USC MARKET PLACE GIVATAYIM ISR Yes $764.05 22 February 2024 NFTPAY.XYZ DELRAY BEACH FL No $380.65 23 February 2024 TRADERSCHOOL LONDON GBR No $765.58 23 February 2024 TRADERSCHOOL LONDON GBR No $1,531.16 I have advised my bank they are investigating to get my money back. They aren't even a regulated stock market brokers. My bank card has been cancelled and will need to cancel my driver's licence. I put in to withdraw my money back from the website and it's pending. They advised me that they will be using my money on the stock market and I couldn't touch it. Market manipulation is a type of white collar crime which involves intentionally increasing or decreasing the value of a financial product, including stocks, or influencing the behaviour of the market to do so. Section 1041A of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) prohibits market manipulation. they are selling and buy the stock at a higher price than the market


