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    发表于 阿联酋


    如果有人想对 Utrade Markets 进行投诉,我也是其中一员,需要更多受害者发声,我损失了 36000 美元,请不要在Utrade投资。 你会失去所有的钱。 他们在阿联酋没有办事处。 Utrade 在红色名单中 首先他们会说以下几点来开设交易账户。 1. 无掉期费用 2. 20% 奖金信用 3. 24 小时内提款 不要相信他们。 1. 他们没有掉期费用,但有价差费用。 如果您在周末有活跃的交易,则意味着他们会在收市后增加点差费用(买入和卖出价值之间的差额)。 因此,您的浮动损失将会增加,如果没有可用保证金,意味着您的账户将被完全清空,您将损失所有资金。 示例: 铂金/美元: 价差前: 买入价值: 1920.00 卖出价值: 1923.00 价差后: 买入价值: 1920.00 卖出价值: 1946.00 如果您看到上面的差异: 价差前是 3.00 的差异,而价差后是 26.00 的差异。 所以 23.00 增加了。 此更改仅由 Utrade 经纪商在 MT5 应用程序中完成。 他们可以擅自扩大点差,在市场收盘后更改。 只有在周末,点差值是固定的。 2. 他们将给予20%至35%的奖励积分。 但没有任何用处,这部分无法出金,也不包含在本金中。 您的所有浮动损失将首先从本金中扣除。 一旦入金,您的帐户将被关闭,而且奖金不能用来交易。

    Big scam now in UAE please don't invest
    If anyone want register complaint against Utrade Markets please i will join with you i need more victim because i loose my money 36000$, Please don't invest in Utrade. you will lose all your money. They don't have Office in UAE. Utrade is in RED list First of all they will say below point to open the trading account. 1. No swap Charges 2. 20% bonus credit 3. Within 24 hrs withdrawal Don't trust them. 1. They don't have swap charges but they spread charges. If you have active trade over the weekend means, they will increase the spread charges ( Difference between Buy & Sell Value) after market closed. Because of this your floating loss will increase & if dont have free margin means your account will be wiped out completly & you will lose all your money. Example: Platinum/USD: Before Spread: Buy Value: 1920.00 Sell Value: 1923.00 After Spread: Buy Value: 1920.00 Sell Value: 1946.00 If you see the difference above: Before Spread is 3.00 difference & After Spread is 26.00 Difference. So 23.00 got increased. This changes only done by the Utrade brokers in the MT5 app. They have all the access to increase the spread. They will do this changes after market closed. only in weekends (Saturday & Sunday) Spread value is fixed by the brokers only. 2. They will give 20% to 35% bonus credit. But there is no use. You can't withdraw that amount. It will not include in your captial amount. All your floating loss will be deduct first from your capital only. Once your captial amount finished your account will be closed. you can't run with your bonus credit.


