2024年2月5日 03:40 发表于

你好,我在该交易商处有个账号,ID是17953005。7天前,我在交易中损失的 USDT 金额已记入我的账户。支持人员已冻结我的账户,因为我已经 30 天没有使用该账户,并且不允许转账和交易。 支持人员说需要缴纳 5000 Tether 来激活出金。 他说这项法律有做说明。 我已经阅读了所有条款,但这条并不存在。 无缘无故地阻止了我的账户出金。 请捍卫我的权利,要求他们允许出金。 请检查此事并让我出金。
Blocking the user account and not being withraw
Hello I have an account on the broker () Business account ID 17953005。。7 days ago, the usdt amount that I had lost in the transactions was credited to my account Broker support has blocked my account because I haven't used it for 30 days and does not allow transfer and transaction The broker support wants me to give him 5000 Tether to activate the withdrawal And he says this law is brokering I have read all the brokerage laws but this law does not exist And blocked my withdrawals from my account for no reason ) Please defend my rights against the broker And tell them to allow the transfer from my account Please check the matter and let me withdraw the amount your