Raúl C.
2024年1月19日 07:23 发表于

过了一会儿他们回复了我,我的账户里有一百多万美元,希望能够提取出来。 我会等待他们给出解决方案,因为在某种程度上,有相关出金的规定。如果不遵守规定,不将钱退还给我,我就曝光你!
I don't know when I can withdraw my money!
They got back to me after a while, I have more than a million dollars in my account and I hope to be a ble to withdraw my money.
I will wait for them to give a solution because up to a point they complied with some withdrawals, TO FOREX if you do not comply in returning money to me. I will expose you!