2024年1月14日 08:41 发表于

世界上最差的外汇交易商Visionfxglobal.com、Keyfxmarkets.com都是他们伪造的名字。 1.keyfxmarket.com 2.visionfxglobal.com 3.visionglobalfx.com 等等。 他们会做出虚假承诺,直到钱存入他们的账户。也无法出金, 如果你可以,那只能说太幸运了。 我损失了2000美元。 他们会一步一步地实施计划。 我不觉得我是外汇小白,但他们骗了我。 他们的主要目标是印度人和印度市场。 他们会说所有印度语言来进行欺诈。 如果你赔了钱,他们承诺有“保险”保障,但100%是假公司。 如果您点击他们的任何虚假广告。 如果您接听来自 +16042452848、+12262120272 等的电话,您的手机将会被打爆…… 直到您付款为止。 请把你的钱存入River,而不是交给这个骗子。 它们也没有以任何印度法律格式注册。 所以除了他们的银行账户之外你不能采取任何法律行动。 世界上最差的外汇交易商。 Visionfxglobal.com、Keyfxmarkets.com都是他们伪造的名字。还有1.keyfxmarket.com 2.visionfxglobal.com 3.visionglobalfx.com 等等。
Director Mr Hanif mohammed rafi use multiple corp.
The worst forex brokers in the world Visionfxglobal.com, Keyfxmarkets.com
The worst forex brokers in the world. All are their forgery names.
Etc… in “Vision ” names.
They will give fake promises till money credited to their account. There will be no withdrawal. If you get, you will be lucky. I lost my 2000usd. Step by step they will move. I don’t feel if I lost myself in forex market, but they scammed me. Their main target is Indians and india market. Their people will speak all indian languages to do fraud. They will also promise for “INSURANCE” if you lost money. Its 100% fake company.
If you click any of their fake ads. Your moblie will burst will you attend their calls from +16042452848, +12262120272 etc… 100 calls till you fund.
Please put your money in River instead of giving to this scammers.
They are also not registered in any indian legal formats. So you cant do any legal action except their bank account.
The worst forex brokers in the world Visionfxglobal.com, Keyfxmarkets.com
The worst forex brokers in the world. All are their forgery names.
Etc… in “Vision ” names.