2024年1月10日 01:03 发表于

200 美元卡在账户里,该交易商不在名单中
我在Vision FX Global交易商账户中存入了 100 美元,用于在 Meta5进行交易,在一个不认识的人的提议下,我的交易商账户中存入了 200 美元,他告诉我在进行了一些交易后,我赚了 300 美元,但最主要的是,我问他如何出金,以便我了解交易过程,他告诉我交易手数为 1000 手,至少要进行 20 笔交易,需要存入 1000 美元,然后我发现事情不对,之后我的钱就被卡住了,无法出金,在发送了这么多邮件和投诉之后,什么也没有得到,该交易商也不在名单中。
200$ stucked in Broker account Broker is not list
Deposited 100$ in a broker account name Vision FX Global to trade in forex Meta5 and got 200$ credited in broker account by initiating of an unknown person as he told me
after some small trading I made it 300$
but the main thing comes I asked him to withdraw the amount to understand the process he told me to trade in 1000 lot Atleast 20 trade for which u need to deposit 1000$ then I got that someone is wrong and after that my money is stuck in and I was unable to withdraw the amount and after so many mails and complaint got nothing broker is also not gone