2023年12月21日 13:35 发表于

拒绝超过100000USD的出金。我每天都问他们,他们说会给我出金,但一直没有处理。MT4 显示出金已处理,但本身就是一种欺骗行为。他们伪造交易记录,不公平扣除利润。而且,即使从持仓中扣除了隔夜利息,还在另外收取隔夜利息,规则里并没有提到这些。我们有屏幕截图作为证据。电子邮件也可以公开。
Refusal to withdraw principal and profits, falsification of transaction records, unreasonable swap requests.
Refusal to withdraw principal and profits, falsification of transaction records, unreasonable swap requests.Refusal to withdraw more than 100000USD.I have asked them every day, but they keep repeating that they will withdraw the money, but it has not been processed.The MT4 shows that the withdrawal has been processed, which is a fraudulent act itself.They are falsifying transaction records and reducing profits unfairly.Also, even though negative swap is deducted from the position, they are also unfairly collecting negative swap, which is not in the rules.We have secured screenshots and have proof.Email correspondence can also be made public.