2023年12月14日 16:35 发表于

大约一个月前,我开了一个账户。 我的收益从 500 到 400,然后到 800,然后 600,然后起飞,到了 1K。 我平均每天在 DAX 上交易大约 20 笔,在黄金上交易 15 笔,持仓时间为 2 分钟到 8 小时。 我平均持仓时间约为 30 分钟。 相对而言是有点短,但我不认为这会违反任何规则。就在那时我决定把一半资金出了,但后来我收到了这条消息 1EBnyj5oGkbc“RE:交易账户违规查询。发此封邮件是想告诉您,我们注意到您在 OtetMarkets Forex Brokerage 的 510342 号账户中的某些交易活动可能违反了一些规则。我们对监管合规性非常重视,以确保所有客户的公平和安全交易。请您向我们提供您所使用的交易策略和工具相关的相关文件。收到文件后我们将进行彻底调查,以确保遵守交易政策和行业法规。感谢您对此事的关注。我没有记录策略,所以也不知道这对我来说是很危险,涉及违反规则。幸运的是,我只存入了 500 美元,但我不敢将更大的金额(例如 5-10K)入金到这样的交易商。他们甚至不愿意还我的本金 ,要小心这个交易商。我希望这不是最终的结果。
unable to withdraw
I opened an account about a month ago. My pnl went from 500 to 400 then to 800, then 600, then took off and I reached 1K. I made maybe 20 traded on DAX and 15 on gold a day on avarage, and was holding position between 2 min and 8 hours. On average I was holding a position for maybe 30min. So relatively short, but I don't think it would violate any rules.That was the point when I decided to withdraw half of it, but then I got this message 1EBnyj5oGkbc"RE: Trading Account Violation Inquiry,We hope this letter finds you well. It has come to our attention thatcertain trading activities in your account 510342 number with OtetMarkets Forex Brokerage have raised concerns regarding possible ruleviolations. We take regulatory compliance seriously to ensure fair andsecure trading for all our clients.We kindly request that you provide us with relevant documents related toyour trading methods and tools employed. This information will aid us inconducting a thorough investigation to ensure compliance with ourtrading policies and industry regulations.Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.I don't document my strategy so I don't even understand, but this is a red flag for me. Luckily I have deposited only 500 USD, but I would not dare to transfer larger amount like 5-10K to a broker like this.They are not even willing to release my initial capital, so be careful with this broker.I hope it is not over yet.