Samina 9951
2023年12月14日 21:21 发表于

2023 年 9 月 12 日,我请求出金700 美元,获得批准,他们告诉我,2-3 天内会收到钱。但是,15 天了,我也没有收到钱,然后我给他们发了同样的邮件。 他们回复说被卡了,会尽快出金。 但已经三个月了,我没有收到任何钱,现在他们也不回复邮件。 我给他们发了几封提醒邮件,都没收到回复。
Company not crediting my money
On 12th sept'2023 I had put request for withdrawal of 700 USD, and my request was approved, they told me I will receive my amount within 2-3 days, any how after 15days also i didn't receive my money, then again I mailed them regarding the same. Then they replied that they r stuck somewhere will release the amount to the earliest.
But its been 3 months I didn't receive any money, and now they r not e1 replying to my email. I have sent them few reminder mails, but they r not replying to any of my emails.