2023年11月5日 16:14 发表于

这就是你雪莉的问题,你不断让我投入更多资金来跟着你的步骤和指示走。 你知道经纪商平台机制,但你没告诉我。这就是为什么你一直问我是不是存入 82872.50 的一半 41440)的钱,不然就无法出金并被冻结,然后我需要入金并解冻我的帐户,就可以随时出金。 我没有更多的钱可以投入,都卡在交易商那里。我不能提取通过 MT5 平台汇给经纪商 YSHX 的价值 25,000.00 美元的资金。 我从一开始就相信你,你却欺骗我,没有给我你的真实姓名和住址。现在我有理由相信你只是为了通过YSHX从我身上赚钱。
unable to w/draw, online chat off, account freeze
This is the problem with you Sherlee, you keep pushing and pressuring me to put more money or funds to follow you, your steps and instructions. You knew about the broker platform mechanism and you keep it to yourself which I do not understand that is why you keep asking me about the money to put in 50% of 82872.50 which is 41440 otherwise the money can not be withdraw and got frozen until I put that amount and unfreeze my account and I can withdraw anytime. I have no more money to put in the funds and my money git stuck with the broker. Now, I can not withdraw the money I wired to the broker YSHX with MT5 platform worth $25,000.00. I trusted you from the beginning and now I doubted you and fooled me.
You did not give me your full real name and home address, and now I have a reason to believe that this is only for your personal interest of making money from me thru your broker YSHX.