2023年10月30日 09:38 发表于

无法出金,一开始我入了 500 美元,然后盈利了12000 美元,他们冻结了我的交易账户,说我需要用 1000 美元升级到黄金交易账户,我马上就升级了。升级后,我的账户余额为 13000 美元,于是我决定出金,但他们拒绝了我的出金请求,并说黄金账户的最低取款限额为 30000 美元。
Unable to withdraw
I can’t withdraw my money
first I deposited 500 dollars and gained 12000 dollars and they blocked my trading account stating that I need to upgrade to Gold Trading Account with 1000 dollars which I did immediately.
So my account was 13000 dollars after the upgrade so I decided to withdraw but they declined my withdrawal and said that minimum withdrawal limit for Gold account is 30,000 dollars .
please help me check if it’s true or false trading app.
Thanks you.