Varun Sharma
2023年10月26日 09:25 发表于

这是一家诈骗公司。它在哈里亚纳邦、海德拉巴、泰兰加纳邦和孟买市运营。他们拿走了我们的钱不还。他们威胁说会因为本金问题关闭账户。老板叫苏克德夫-辛格(Sukhdev Singh)。员工也是这样。这家公司不应该存在,应该不惜一切代价将其清除。我要求在 2023 年 10 月 20 日出金,但他们不给钱,还给我发黑信。说他们可以对我的账户做任何事情。我联系过Komal 和 Sukhdev Singh,他们曾经通过 WhatsApp 给我打电话,我认为这是个骗局。我不希望这家公司的任何员工欺骗/骗取印度穷人的钱财。拜托拜托拜托
Scam Company
This is a scam company. Which is operating in Haryana, Hyderabad, Telangana and Mumbai city. They take our money and never give it back. People are very rude. Threatens to close accounts due to principal amount. The owner is one Sukhdev Singh. Employees are also like this. No consent of any kind should be given by this company and it should be removed at any cost. I requested withdrawal on 20th October 2023 but he is asking me not to give my money and sending me black mail messages. Look, we can do anything with your account. The name of the number from which I used to call is Komal and Sukhdev Singh, they used to call me through WhatsApp, I think this is a big scam. Everyone should avoid this.I do not want any employee of this company to cheat/cheat the money of the poor people of India Plz do not put your trust in such a fraud company. Plz Plz Plz