2023年10月24日 02:57 发表于

P2P 集团欺诈
有人向我展示了一个包含区块链和交易信息的哈希值,并收取了 64 美元的区块链交易费,然后在我转入比特币后,又向我发送了一个链接,让我支付 58 美元的手续费,以处理我转入 Robinhood 账户的 46,000 美元资金。这个链接后来就被破坏了,还把我踢出了平台支付服务。钱没了,我太蠢了,被坑了。
Fraud by P2P group
I was shown a hash with info on blockchain and transactions, charged a fee of $64 for transaction on blockchain then after the transfer of btc, I was sent a link to pay a commission fee of $58 to process my $46,000 0f funds that were to be transferred into my Robinhood account. The link was broken ofcourse and kicked me offline and out of the platform pay service. The money is gone and I am screwed for being stupid.