2023年10月22日 20:31 发表于

在九月,我拿学费开始交易。当时有一位交易员告诉我,我将在一小时内获得利润,他决定将我的利润带到狐狸专家交易平台,并告诉我在那里可以轻松出金。当我试图出金时,我被告知必须入金 25,000 肯尼亚先令,这样我的利润才能出。我一直无法出金,钱已经被扣一个月了。请帮我拿回我的钱。
Withdrawal can't be processed without deposit
In September I had decided to start trading with my school fees money . A trader then who had told me that I would get my profits in an hour decided to take my profits to fox expert trading platform where I was told I would be able to withdraw my profits easily. As I was trying to withdraw my profits I was told to deposit a sum of 25,000kenyan shillings so that my profits would be released. I have not been able to withdraw my profits and it has been withhold for about a month now. Please help me get my money back.