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    2023年10月9日 03:37 发表于 沙特阿拉伯

    经纪商策划骗局,毁了我 8000 美元的投资

    Warren Bowie & Smith 是一个骗子投资平台,他们的经纪人故意让你的账户保证金处于风险中,投资错误市场,并不断制造情况让你投资更多。我第一笔交易就遇到了这种情况,印度经纪人易卜拉欣-赛义德(Ibrahim Sayyed)让我的账户陷入困境,原油达到最高点时,他卖出1000 个单位,道琼斯指数达到最低点时,他又买入10 个单位,而且每天都要求我投入更多资金以维持交易。我继续投资,每次交易失败后,他都会给我另一个错误指示,并借口市场走势不可预测,7/8 次交易他都故意投错方向。我向公司投诉,要求更换账户经理,公司没有理会。今天早上,我的账户因余额不足被冻结,而我投资了 8000 美元,却没有出金。我建议大家永远不要相信这个平台,他们的野心就是骗取你的血汗钱。如图所示,从来没有在正确的指引下进行投资。

    Broker plot a scam to ruined my 8k $ investment
    Warren Bowie & Smith, a scam and fraud investment platform, where their brokers deliberately keep your account’s margin at risk by investing wrong sides of market and keep making situations to force you investing more. This happen to me from first trade Broker Ibrahim Sayyed an Indian, put my account in plight situation once Crude oil was going to its peak he put 1000 unit in sell direction, Dow life times low he put in buy direction 10 units, and every day keep asking invest more to survive. I keep invested after each wrong trade he put me another wrong direction and excuse that market is not going predictable, all 7/8 trades deliberate he invested wrong side. On complain to company to change account manager, company did not bother and today morning my account freezes due to insufficient balance while I invest 8k $ with out any single withdraw. I recommend other never ever trust this platform their ambitions are to scam your hard earn money. As you can see in graph I was never being instructed to invest in right side.


