2023年10月7日 01:13 发表于

诈骗警报! 我已经损失18.6 万美元
我在这个交易平台上投资了 14 万美元。几个月内,这笔钱就涨到了 18.6 万美元。 我尝试出金(14万美元),一天半过去了,没有收到任何钱! 他们坚称请求已获得批准,资金已转至账户(Coinbase)。 出金状态显示“已提现..”,但 Coinbase账户里仍然没有钱。 然后他们告诉我,我的账户中有一些“异常”,并出于安全目的要求我向账户存入 10 万美元,然后他们才会恢复我的出金权利!
SCAM Alert! I am out US$186K
I have invested $140K on this trading platform
The money had grown to $186K in a couple of months. When I tried to withdraw a large amount of money ($140K) from it, a day anf a half would pass with no money sent! They insisted the request had been approved and the funds released to the destination account (Coinbase). Indeed the status states "Already withdraw.." But still no money at Coinbase. Then they told me they found some "anomaly" in my account and demanded I deposit $100K into the account for security purposes before they would restore my withdrawal rights!