HungWie Gordon
2023年9月18日 12:07 发表于

*警告:*各位用户,强烈建议你们迅速退出该网站和群。 一旦资金存入 LeiwowFX,和809 James Scam Club 一伙的,想要拿回钱几乎是不可能的。 自从我在币安发出警告后,发起出金已经一周了,但我的钱还是没有下落。 我损失了 1,275 美元,但很庆幸不是 10,000 美元。 请拒绝主动提供的投资要约。 如果您已经是会员,请考虑收回您的存款 - 虽然很可能不会成功。 即使支付了他们声称的“所欠佣金”后,仍然收不到资金。 这是一个骗局。 所谓的“成员”试图模仿英国、美国、加拿大或拉丁裔身份,但他们的说话方式就像是亚洲人。 杰瑞是虚构顾问,而伊舍则是设置陷阱的人,陷害毫无戒心的受害者。 他们利用加密货币来逃避监管机构监管。 币安和每个加密货币钱包都会提示风险警告。 我非常沮丧。 总会有因果报应的,上帝会替我弥补我的损失。 他们的保证是空洞的和安慰也是虚假的。 大家注意资金安全。 每个人都有自己的想法,但最好不要成为这个骗局的受害者。
*ALERT:* To all genuine users, I strongly urge a swift exit from this site and group. Unfortunately, once funds are deposited into LeiwowFX associated with the 809 James Scam Club, recovering them seems nearly impossible. It's been a week since I initiated a withdrawal following a Binance WARNING, yet my money remains out of reach. I've suffered a loss of $1,275, but I'm grateful it's not $10,000. For future reference, decline unsolicited investment offers. If you're already a member, consider attempting to retrieve your deposits—chances are you won't succeed. Even after paying what they claim is "commission owed," you still won't receive your funds. It's a deceitful SCAM.
Some conversations with supposed members were comically inaccurate, attempting to mimic British, American, Canadian, or Latina identities, but their sentence structure revealed an Asian origin.
Jerry is a fictional advisor, and Esher is the one setting traps for unsuspecting victims.
They're utilizing Crypto to evade regulators. Binance and every Crypto wallet will warn you.
I'm incredibly frustrated about this.
I believe in Karma; God will take care of my losses for me.
You'll receive hollow reassurances and false comfort after reading this.
Stay safe, everyone. Each to their own, but we mustn't allow another genuine person to fall victim to this scam.