2023年9月14日 14:04 发表于

我申请出金 420 美元,但只拿到 380 USDT
主题: Fidelis CM 未解决的出金问题
亲爱的 Fidelis CM 团队:为了表达我对最近向你们平台出金的强烈不满, 我写了这封邮件。 2023 年 9 月 5 日,我从交易账户发起了 42,000 USC(即 420 美元)的出金请求。 然而,我的币安钱包里只收到了 380 USDT。 少了40 美元,我很在意,希望此事能够得到迅速解决。 我一直是你们平台的忠实客户,但这次经历让我感到沮丧并怀疑服务的诚信度。 请立即调查此出金异常原因,并确保将未出金的资金立即退回到我的账户。 我相信你们会认真对待此事并及时作出答复和解决。 反之,大家将失去对 Fidelis Capital Markets 的信任。
i requested of 420 USD but i only got 380 USDT
Subject: Unresolved Withdrawal Issue with Fidelis Capital Markets
Dear Fidelis Capital Markets Team,
I am writing to express my deep dissatisfaction regarding a recent withdrawal request I made with your platform. On September 5, 2023, I initiated a withdrawal request for 42,000 USC i.e 420 USD from my trading account. However, to my dismay, I only received 380 USDT in my Binance wallet.
This discrepancy of 40 USD is a cause for concern, and I expect a prompt resolution to this matter. I have been a loyal customer, but this experience has left me frustrated and questioning the integrity of your services. Please investigate this withdrawal discrepancy immediately and ensure that the missing funds are credited back to my account without further delay.
I trust that you will take this matter seriously and provide a timely response and resolution. Failure to do so will result in a loss of trust and confidence in Fidelis Capital Markets.