2023年9月13日 02:07 发表于

Cappmorefx 没有欺骗我们
我认为 Cappmorefx 没有欺骗我们。 他们在服务器升级后面临很多技术问题,例如跟单交易,(交易者关闭交易,但是多个帐户交易未关闭。) 出金问题(他们已于 7 月开始出金加密货币,持续两三天,大概是7 月 15 日至 17 日。出金已在账户中完成,但未存入币安)。 IB佣金(许多人从推荐账户获得更多IB佣金。例如123456想从223344账户获得1美元4手。但它之前已经获得4手5-6美元)。他们已经与MT5平台断开连接,在7月进行最新升级后面临服务器问题。 他们试图解决这个问题,直到8月2日那周,仍未解决。 他们更改了一些应用程序并决定购买新的服务器或主域。 为此,他们将公司名称更改为 CAPPFX。 并于 8 月 18 日下午 2 点左右注册了域名,已向客户帐户发送了有关公司名称更改的电子邮件。 他们花时间为 Cappfx 创建一个新网站,正在对现有的 Cappmorefx 网站进行修改。 他们在之前的一封电子邮件中表示,他们正在推出新平台,并将数据转移到新平台。 就连我也是这个cappmorefx的投资者。 我不是公司人员。 我上面所说的是真的。 因为我查了很多账号都是因为这个原因出现问题。 因此,请耐心等待 15-30 天。 让我们积极期待。 我也很痛苦,因为我的两个账户里也有大约 9500 USDT。
Cappmorefx not scammed us
I think that Cappmorefx not scammed us. Because they have faces a lot of technical issue after the server up-gradation like copy Trade, (if Trade closed by the Trader, in multiple of Account Trade were not closed.) Withdrawal Problem (They have started Crypto Withdrawal in July for 2-3 days arround 15-17 July. Withdrawal done in accounts but it was not deposited in Binance). IB Commission ( many accounts got more IB Commission from referal Accounts. For example 123456 want to get 1 dollar from 223344 account for 4 lot. But it has got 5-6 Dollar for 4 lot). and they have disconnected from MT5 platform, these are facing from server issue after they made latest up-gradation on july. So they tried to rectify and solve the issue till august 2nd week but it was not solved. and they made some application changes and decided to buy a new server or domain. For this they have changed the company name to CAPPFX. and registered the domain on 18th of August arround 2 PM and they have sent a E-mail to client Accounts registered E-mail regarding company name changed. and they have taking a time for to create a new website for Cappfx or they are making any modification on existing Cappmorefx website. They said that in previous E-mail they are comming up with new platform and they will shift the data to they new platform. Even I am also a investor on this cappmorefx. I am not company person. These what i stated above are true. Because i have checked in many Accounts it has been caused like this. So be in patience while they get 15-30 days time. let us hope for positive. Even in my two Accounts had arround 9500 USDT. I am also having lot of pain.