2023年8月29日 07:17 发表于

我是杀猪盘的受害者,英文名Sherlee/ Shirley,中文名Yang Li,通过交易经纪商YSHX-YUN SHANG HUI XIN LIMITED进行投资,网站: en/platform平台。 经纪商 YSHX 冻结了我价值 82,872.50 美元的账户,无法出金。 YSHX在线服务拒绝了我的出金并关闭了服务,因为他们说我没有完成50%的要求,我不明白。 YSHX 表示,要想随时出金,我必须在 2023 年 8 月 10 日之前将 41,440 美元存入账户,否则联邦调查局将介入,而且我的账户说触发了反洗钱法。 我只想通过银行提取价值 25000 美元的电汇资金。 我保留了 Whatsapp的所有证据,包括图片、视频和语音剪辑,以及经纪人在线服务文件中的所有交易。 请帮助我拿回我的钱。
frozen account, unable to withdraw, online serdown
I am a victim of romance scam name Sherlee/ Shirley in english name, Yang Li in chinese name ,thru investimg money with the trading broker name, YSHX- YUN SHANG HUI XIN LIMITED, website: The broker-YSHX frozen my account worth $82,872.50 and I am unable to withdraw money. YSHX online service rejected my withdrawal and service down because they said I did not complete the 50% of the require platform mechanism which I do not understand. YSHX said that to withdraw my funds anytime I must deposit the $41,440 to my account before August 10, 2023, if not according to them the FBI will involve, and my account said triggered the AML law. All I want is to withdraw my wired money thru my bank worth $25000. I have all the evidence with the lady name Sherlee thru whatsapp with pictures, video and voice clip and the broker documents online service with all the transactions.
Please help me to recover my funds.