2023年8月25日 21:41 发表于

在我盈利1200美元后,他们以ID无效为由封了我的账户。 显然,该 ID 是有效的,并且我在多个经纪商处使用过这个ID,从没听说过有关无效 ID 的说法。我只是希望以公平的方式解决此案,就像 FXGT 支付我赚取的所有利润一样 。我不在乎我的账户是否被封,把我好不容易赚到的利润给我就行。一开始账户就验证通过了,结果利润达到1000多美元时就被封了。 他们发送的是无效电子邮件 ID。再一次,我不在乎我的帐户是否被封锁,我只想拿回利润。
Invalid ID
The account was blocked after one side made a profit - + $ 1200, they blocked my account on the grounds that the ID was invalid, obviously the ID was valid and I have used my ID at several brokers but I have never heard of complaints about invalid ID, I just want this case to be resolved in a fair way, the way FXGT wants to pay for all the profit I make, I don't care if my account there is blocked, it's just that I give the profit that I earned with difficulty.It was clear at the start that their account had been verified and when the profit reached over $1000 it turned into a block and they sent an invalid email ID, once again I don't care if my account is blocked, I just pay my profits.