2023年8月18日 06:08 发表于

我于 2023 年 8 月 7 日申请了第一次出金,但我的钱包未收到款项。 多次向支持人员发送消息,只有自动回复:我们正在解决您的问题。 但没有解决办法,他们也不给出金。 我是朋友推荐来的。我的帐户也通过了验证。 他们没有告诉我任何原因,所有的电话号码都是打不通的,即时聊天框和电子邮件都是全自动回复。
unable to Withdraw
I apply my first withdrawal 7th August 2023 but still not received in my wallet address. several times message live chat message email support but only auto reply that we are working on your issue. but no solution and they are not giving withdrawal. I trap by my friend he refer to me. even my account is fully verified in all the way. and there is no any objection and they do not tell me any reason because they all telephone number are closed and life chat is fully automatic reply and also email support is fully auto reply.