2023年8月15日 09:01 发表于

我多次要求出金,但经纪商的系统自动驳回请求。 几天后我终于联系到客户支持成功提交请求。 网站明确声明出金将在5个工作日内处理; 但是我的出金请求超过 5 个工作日仍未得到处理。 我多次联系支持人员,但没有得到任何回复。后来,经纪商向所有用户自动发送了一封邮件,说出金处理需要 25 个工作日。 这发生在 AssasinFX 骗局之后,以及 FXFair 过高的存款奖金之后。 我个人认为这些事件都是相互关联的,我也被卷入这个骗局。
Hugely delayed withdrawal
I requested the withdrawal several times but the system of the broker automatically refused that. After several days I could finally successfully submit the request by contacting the customer support . The website clearly declares that the withdrawal will be processed within 5 business days; however, my withdrawal request was left unprocessed for >5 business days. I contacted the support several times without any response. Finally the broker sent an automatic mail to all users that the withdrawal processing will take 25 business days. This happened after the AssasinFX scam strom and just after the distribution of too strong deposit bonues by FXFair. I personally believe these events are all connected and I am invovled in the scam.