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    2023年8月8日 23:12 发表于 越南


    这是一个假软件! 一个Ins账户名叫Pete Makaabusu的人故意和我交朋友,然后谈论外汇、经济、爱情、家庭、未来......并引导我投资这个软件,他还从他的韩国银行账户投资到我的账户 。 我按照他的指示尝试,获得了一些利润。 但随后他建议从该平台申请一笔C2C贷款,以便在一周内获得更多利润。 然而,这笔贷款需要通过存入更多资金来偿还。 我还完贷款后,由于Pete借给我的钱是从韩国来的,因此出现了洗钱嫌疑,他们发邮件强迫我在有限的时间内存入同等金额以验证这笔钱。 完成后,我尝试出金,但随后又出现了税收问题。 他们对我的利润征收25%的高税率,并且只能在有限的时间内完成缴纳。 我缴税并提取了 50,000 美元,但他们只将 2,000 美元转入我的银行帐户,保留了另外的 48,000 美元。还发送电子邮件说我必须存入本金的 23% 来验证并解冻系统银行中冻结的 48,000 美元,我需要在有限的时间内再缴一次税,否则我的账户将被永久冻结!! 这绝对是无稽之谈! 最后,他们没收了我所有的资金! 请不要投资这个假软件! 每笔付款均转入个人银行账户!

    Jimeiwo is a scam app
    This is a fake app! An Instagram account that has the name of Pete Makaabusu intentionally made friend with me then talked about forex, economy, love, family, future... and led me to invest in this app, he also invested in my account from his Korean bank account. I tried and got some profits following his instructions. But then he suggested applying a C2C loan from the platform to make more profits in one week. However the loan can only be repaid by injecting more funds. After I repaid the loan, came the issue of Money-Laundering suspicion because of the money from Korea that Pete lent me, they sent email forcing me to deposit the same amount to verify that money within a limited time. After I complete that, I try to withdraw but then came the problem of taxes. They impose a high rate tax of 25% of my profits and can only be paid by injecting mor funds within a limited time again. I paid taxes and withdraw 50,000usd but they only transfered 2,000usd to my bank account and kept 48,000usd sending email stated that I have to deposit 23% of my principal to verify and unfreeze that 48,000 being frozen in the system bank, within a limited time again, otherwise my exchange account would be permanently frozen!! This is absolutely absurb, nonsense! Finally, they forfeit all my funds! Please do not never ever invest in this fake app! Every payment is by transfering to a personal bank account!


