2023年8月2日 09:56 发表于

您好,我的账号是6188702,我要求从我的账户出金,但是客服说资金必须达到5000美元才能出。 我增资到5100美元,但是这次他们又找了个借口,说要缴纳20%的税,相当于1020美元。 我没有再存入 这20%,因为如果存入,他们就不会退还我的钱。 每笔交易均需缴纳税费和佣金。 额外支付是不对的。 我告诉他们从我的账户上扣税,但他们不接受。 请帮我拿回我的钱。
unable to withdraw
Hello, my account number is 6188702. I requested a withdrawal from my account, but the customer service said that your capital must reach 5000 dollars in order to be able to withdraw. I increased my capital to 5100 dollars, but this time they gave another excuse and announced that you should pay 20% tax equal to 1020 dollars. I did not deposit the 20% because I know that if I do, they will not return my money. Taxes and commissions are charged in every transaction. asking for extra money is not correct. I informed them to deduct the tax from my account, but they did not accept. Please help me get my money.