Shubham 8655
2023年8月1日 06:13 发表于

❌❌❌极大点差诈骗,3倍点差,太可怕了 ❌❌❌
您好,这个经纪人就是个骗子,看看我发的照片就知道了。我做了 1 手交易,就必须向经纪人提供 16 美元。可以在下面的截图里看到,他们对交易者收取的佣金超过50 美元
❌❌❌Extremly Highly Spread & Scam MORE THEN 3X SPREAD HORRIBLE SPREAD ❌❌❌
Hello this broker is totally scam just see my shared photos you will understand everthingi take 1 lot trade that means i have to give 16 usd to broker as they said you can see in photos butthey take more then -50 usd commision on single tradeee