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    Nguyen Kim Thu
    2023年7月24日 03:26 发表于 越南

    迈克尔·陈 (Michael Chen) 和 MCC 骗局

    迈克尔·陈(Michael Chen),中国人,MCC Markets首席执行官,是外汇行业臭名昭著的骗子。 他过去曾谎称自己是MCC Markets的联合创始人,并以此为幌子策划其欺诈活动。 Michael Chen 作为经纪人成立 MCC 的唯一目的是非法攫取客户的资产。 他巧妙地塑造了外汇行业成功首席执行官的形象,并与东南亚的IB(介绍经纪商)建立了关系。 他的诈骗方法包括说服 IB 将 MCC 宣传为投资者信誉良好且价格实惠的经纪商。 一旦介绍经纪商开始引进客户,迈克尔就实施了邪恶计划,即以毫无根据的借口阻碍客户提取资金。 然后,他强迫介绍经纪商继续招募新客户,以处理积压的未解决的提款请求。 然而,即使新客户不断加入,迈克尔仍拖延向老客户付款。 2023年7月12日,迈克尔正式宣布辞去MCC的职务,但仍持有该公司股份。 当介绍经纪商们询问未决提款指令时,他大胆声称MCC已经破产,导致客户无法动用资金。 迄今为止,他在东南亚国家诈骗的金额约为 50 万美元,而且由于介绍经纪商还中有许多未报告的受害者,这一数额可能还会更高。 鉴于这些惊人的行为,很明显 Michael Chen 是一个危险的骗子,给外汇行业的无辜投资者和介绍经纪商们造成了经济损失。 请提防这个人,因为他可能会加入另一家经纪商或以不同的名称开设另一家经纪公司,再次开始诈骗。

    Michael Chen, a China national, the CEO of MCC Markets, is a notorious scammer in the forex industry. He deceitfully presented himself as the Co-Founder of MCC Markets in the past, using this guise to orchestrate his fraudulent activities. Operating as a broker, Michael Chen established MCC with the sole intention of unlawfully seizing clients' assets. He cunningly cultivated the image of a successful CEO in the FX industry and developed relationships with IBs (Introducing Brokers) in Southeast Asia. His scamming method involved convincing IBs to promote MCC as a reputable and affordable broker for investors. Once IBs began bringing in clients, Michael engaged in a nefarious scheme of obstructing fund withdrawals for clients with baseless excuses. He then coerced the IBs to keep recruiting new customers to handle the backlog of unresolved withdrawal requests. However, even as new clients were brought in, Michael continued to delay payments to the older clients. On 12 July 2023, Michael made an official announcement that he was resigning from his position at MCC, despite still holding shares in the company. When confronted by the IBs about the pending withdrawal orders, he audaciously claimed that MCC had gone bankrupt, leaving the customers without access to their funds. The amount of money he fraudulently appropriated in Southeast Asian countries is estimated to be around USD$500k till date and this sum may be significantly higher due to many unreported victims among the IBs. In light of these appalling actions, it is evident that Michael Chen is a dangerous scammer, causing financial harm to innocent investors and IBs in the forex industry. Please beware of him as he may join another broker or open another brokerage under a different name to start scamming people again.


