2023年7月22日 14:22 发表于

TP Globalfx 续集
这不是新经纪商,而是 tp global fx 经纪商。tp global fx 已经骗了大家,现在它又通过改名称再次诈骗。fxopulence 网站的概述与 tp global fx 网站的概述一模一样。fxopulence 拒绝处理用户的钱。 大家甚至不能从一个帐户转账到另一个帐户。他们既不许转账也不许提款。你已经从别人那了解了关于 tp global fx 的所有事,所以别被骗了。
TP Globalfx part 2
This is not new broker this is tp global fx broker.tp global fx has already scammed people and now tp global fx has come with the intention of scamming again by changing its name.The overview of fxopulence's website is exactly like the overview of tp global fx's website.People's money is now being rejected in fxopulence.
Even transfer from one account to another is not possible.Neither they are allowing transfer nor withdraw.
You know everything about tp global fx before you get cheated with other people check it out.