2023年7月14日 11:17 发表于

IB账号为kimbo3456789@gmail.com,我给姓名为Muhammad Mudassir的销售推荐了一个客户,在客户赚钱之后,平台就开始不提供任何资金,甚至包括本金。这个平台总共收到了17万美金。客户的所有账户和交易都已经转为损失。IB账户还想要去增加佣金,但是在获得批准之后并没有付钱。他们做更多的宣传,想要更多的客户,但是他们会在一年内关闭公司并且卷走所有的资金。请不要相信这个家的迪拜平台。为什么这个没良心的老板不把佣金支付给我。
A heartless boss who doesn't pay commissions
IB Name: kimbo3456789@gmail.comSales Name: Muhammad MudassirI recommended a client to them, and after the client made money, the platform started not providing any funds, even principal. The platform received a total of $170000. All accounts and transactions of the customer have been converted into losses. The IB account attempted to increase the commission, but after obtaining approval, no payment was made. They do more publicity and want more customers, but they will close the company and run away with money within a year. Please do not trust this fake Dubai platform. Why didn't the boss with no conscience pay me the commission