Mahmud Hasan Sujon
2023年6月29日 22:33 发表于

当我的余额为1038时,我发送提款请求537。他们给我发了一封邮件,这里写着提款成功。然后我检查我的币安钱包,发现没有添加余额。然后我尝试通过 WhatsApp 联系客户服务号码,但他们没有回复。我通过浏览一些朋友收集了所有的钱,看到了很多梦想,但他们是骗局。现在我精神出问题了。
Mail send withdrawal successful but not send usdt!
when my balance is 1038 then I send withdraw request 537.They were send me a mail and here wrote the withdrawal is successful. Then I check my Binance wallet and see there is no balance added. Then I try to contact the customer service number by WhatsApp but they not respons.
I collect all the money by browed some of my friends and saw many dreams but they Scam.
Now I'm mentally Sick.