2023年6月24日 15:32 发表于

2023 年 6 月 22 日,我交易了英镑。我的 4 个订单在 180 秒以内自动关闭,说这些订单违反政策。问题是,我知道他们只允许交易超过 180 秒,但在交易期间,我的 4 个订单在还没到180 秒时自动关闭了。看起来是他们关闭了我的订单以开始操纵,并指责我正在使用专家顾问(EA)技术,而这种技术也受到了侵犯。现在他们拒绝为我提取我的帐户余额,因为他们的系统检测到我正在使用专家顾问(ea)系统。当我只是使用买入和卖出止损时,他们就指责我。
Manipulative broker
Last June 22, 2023 i traded GBP news. 4 of my orders automatically closed below 180 seconds which already under violation by the Vonway policies . The issue is, i know they are only allowed to trade above than 180 seconds but during this news 4 of my orders was closed automatically below than 180 seconds. It seems like they close my order to start the manipulation and accuse me that i am using the Expert Advisor (EA) technique which is this technique also is under violation. Now they’re declined to withdraw the balance of my account with the reason their system detected that i’m using Expert Advisor (EA) system. They’re simplify accuse me while i’m just using buy and sell stop.