2023年6月15日 15:13 发表于

泰坦资本有限公司(Titan capital limited)现已并入云尚汇鑫有限公司(Yun Shang hui xin limited)。 我在云尚汇鑫有限公司和泰坦资本有限公司开立的账号分别是730007和308134。我投资交易是为了盈利,但它不让我出金。 当我申请出金2800美元时,他们要我交 20% 的税,我也照做了。然后他们说我交易不当,在一天内交易了多次。 客服要求我再存入 500 美元用来审查我的帐户和出金。他们不让我出金,还一次又一次地朝我要钱。我总共存入了 1800美元和566美元的税。我交易并且赚了 2831美元,但我还没有出金。如果我揭露他们公司,他们就会对我提起法律诉讼。请帮我出金。
unable to withdraw
Titan capital limited. now merged in Yun Shang hui xin limited. 730007 is my id. (yun shang hui Xin Limited)before it was 308134(Titan capital limited)I invest money in trading because of profit. but not withdrawing my money. 2800 $
they asked 20% tax. i deposit. after they say you did not trade properly, trade many time in a single day. CS asked me to deposit 500$ more to investigate my account and withdraw money.they are not withdrawing my money and asking for money again and again. I deposited total 1800 something with 566 tax, I trade and make 2831. but not withdrawing still. they if you expose our company, they take legal proceedings against me.
please help me to withdraw my money.