Fatma Rashed
2023年6月9日 23:14 发表于

我被骗了,被 capitalix 的 App 骗了 3830 美元,这个 App 伪造股票, 我有所有的截图。我在网站上看到股票在涨,但网上其他地方股票没有变动。 直到我准备出金,我才意识到被骗了,系统显示我没有余额,但我已经入金大约 3830 美元。我告诉银行这个 App 是骗人的,但他们告诉我这笔钱已经转走了了, 他们就是骗投资者的钱,当涉及到出金时,他们需要我的信用卡正面和背面的照片。但出金只需要一个银行帐号就行了。看看诸如 etoro 之类的受信任App,它的出入金都很简单,而且股票都是真实的,但是当你回到 capitalix 时,他们甚至没有股票可购买,例如 “SALIK” 股票,SALIK 甚至没有你可以购买的股票,在我告诉他们投诉之后,他们说想给我奖金,奖金是 3800 美元附赠 1000 美元,这是他们诈骗之后。他们骗我钱之前的阿拉伯语图片和盗窃后的英语图片
a froud company be careful
I fell victim and got scammed for 3830 dollars from an application called capitalix that has a fraudulent scheme of faking shares and playing with the numbers, I have screenshots of everything and what happened was when I saw the shares going up and I checked online the shares didn’t move, They even made me buy shares that were on at the moment but in the app they were as if they are closed. I didn’t realize all this was happening until I reached the withdraw and it said I have 0$ when I already sent around 3830$ I talked to my bank about the application being fraudulent but they told me that the money has already been sent, all they do is deceive the investors and when it comes to withdraw they need a photo of my credit card from front and back? That’s not possible to withdraw money they don’t need my credit card at least they need a bank account number, looking at trusted applications such as etoro its simple to withdraw and deposit and the shares are all real but when you go back to capitalix they have shares of companies that don’t even have shares to be bought such as “SALIK” shares that’s impossible SALIK don’t even have shares that you can buy from, after I told them ill make a complaint they allegedly told me they wanted to give me a bonus that was 3800$ bonus and 1000$ free if I deposited 3800$, and that’s after they scammed…
the picture in In Arabic before they robbed me and in English after the theft 💔💔💔