2023年4月25日 05:36 发表于

我是2023年4月10日加入平台的,自称股票俱乐部江河,自称轩辕私募基金张振宇。带我们去那个平台和“我当时看4500多人关直播”一起赚钱。中间三进郭三出。 4月24日晚上,我发现QQ好友和客服收不到消息,还有一个叫ANT的软件。里面的客服和小河一下子就消失了。我只是觉得这样不对。 2023年4月25日上午10点付款,审核未通过。
Unable to withdraw. Please the government help us
I joined the platform on April 10, 2023, with a self proclaimed stock club named Jiang He and another self proclaimed Xuanyuan Private Equity Fund named Zhang Zhenyu. Take us to that platform to earn money together with 'I watched over 4500 people turn off live streaming at that time'. In the middle, I entered Guo three times and out three times. On the evening of April 24th, I discovered that my friends on QQ, as well as customer service, were unable to receive messages, and there was another software called ANT. The customer service and the river inside suddenly disappeared. I just feel like it's not right. The payment was made at 10 am on April 25th, 2023, and the review has not been approved yet.