2023年4月21日 12:23 发表于

我从2020年11月开始在getz capital投资。像很多来自印度的人一样。一开始他们通过加密货币取款,后来这成为他们持有取款的问题。在他们广播一封电子邮件后,说明银行选项将到位,所以请等到它完成。我们都在等待,然后去年9 月所有投资都减少了。现在getz 持有这么多美元,但网站无法正常工作。 2020 年,他们在圣文森特和格林纳丁斯注册,他们的网站是GetzCapital.com。去年他们升级到GetzCapital。网。当我检查注册时,它会转移到英属维尔京群岛实体。请参阅其注册证书和美元存款单的附件。请求您的指导,如果您需要任何进一步的信息,请告知。
site not working
I have invested in GETZ capital since 2020 Nov. like wise so many from India. in the beginning they made withdrawal via crypto later it becomes an issue they hold the withdrawals. after they broadcast an email stating bank option is going to be in place so wait until it finishes. we all wait then last year September all the investment went on minus. now Getz hold so much of dollars but the website is not working.
in 2020 they registered in st Vincent and Grenadines and their website is getzcapital.com. last year they upgraded to getzcapital.net. when I check the registration it moves to British Virgin Island entity.
please refer to the attachment of their registration certificate and the dollar deposit statement.
requesting your guidance and please advise if you need any further information.