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    发表于 土耳其


    您好,我们在FXGT市场的时间里,作为ib,我们达成了协议,我们在工作期间没有任何资金投入和取款问题,我们一直与相关部门经理保持联系。后来,当客户发送提款请求时,出现了延迟。当我们想就延迟获得支持时,客户的提款请求被拒绝了。随后,未经客户同意和要求,所有活跃头寸被关闭,余额被删除,账户被停用。他想提款被阻止了。连同6003 美元的提款请求,公司清算了3124 美元的主要余额。 3000 美元的提款金额,即存款金额,是被允许和强制的。尽管我们一再表示我们不想写投诉,但没有收到任何积极回应。 FXGT global,在未经客户同意和请求的情况下取消了我客户账户的提款请求后,关闭了所有活跃头寸并仅提取了存款金额。 6124$被公司擅自删除。他们没有对任何交易或善意做出回应。 FXGT是一家诈骗公司,他们可以随时关闭您的账户,删除您的资金或关闭您的mt5 账户,甚至无需询问您。

    I can't withdraw my money, I can't reach the institution
    Hello, we have been working in cooperation with FXGT markets for a while. As İB, we made an agreement, we did not have any problems with money investment and withdrawal while we were working, and we always kept in touch with the relevant department manager. Later, when the client sent a withdrawal request, there was a delay. When we wanted to get support regarding the delay, the client's withdrawal request was rejected. Subsequently, all active positions were closed without the consent and request of the client, the balance was deleted, and the account was deactivated. The withdrawal he wanted to make was blocked. Along with the $6003 withdrawal request, the main balance of $3124 was cleared by the company. The withdrawal amount of 3000$, which is the deposit amount, was allowed and forced. Although we have repeatedly conveyed that we do not want a complaint to be written, no positive response has been received. FXGT Global, after canceling the withdrawal request from my client's account without his consent and request, closed all active positions and made withdrawals of only the deposit amount. 6124$ deleted by the company without permission. They have not responded to any deals or goodwill. FXGT is a scam company, they can close your account at any time, delete your money or close your MT5 account without even asking you.


