2023年4月3日 22:59 发表于

TNFX让我相信他们是一家黑公司。几个星期前我已经存了一笔钱,甚至在我和他们的银行核实之后,我的银行也确认转账已经到账,他们仍然声称他们没有钱。不要在这里存款。我不推荐。已经到达fsa 塞舌尔,他们声称在这件事上受到监管,并将继续采取任何其他必要的行动反对TNFX如果他们现在不继续进行并让我的资金可以提取,我什至不想与TNFX有任何业务往来了。
Be aware that TNFX might be a SCAM
TNFX is making me believe they are a SCAM company. Have made a deposit several weeks ago and even after i have check with their bank and also mine that the transfers has arrived they still claiming they dont have the money. Dont deposit here. I do not recommend. Have already reached to FSA Seychelles where they claim to be regulated regarding this matter and will proceed with any other necessary action against TNFX if they do not proceed and make my fund available to withdrawal as per at this point i dont even want to have any business with TNFX anymore.