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    2023年3月13日 07:33 发表于 阿联酋


    Capitalix不是专业的交易平台,我从2022/05 开始就在他们那里,从来没有赚过钱他们说服我一开始只投资200 美元,他们告诉我如何交易并说这很简单! ! ! !他们解释说我们会支持你,我会有客户经理,他会帮助你,但这是陷阱!他们是非常聪明的小偷!他们一直要求我存款,他们承诺你会在很短的时间内赚到很好的利润! ! ! ! ! ! !在我用5,000 美元存入存款后,这就是他们的游戏开始,他们让我做一笔交易,他们非常清楚这笔交易将朝相反的方向发展,然后他们一直打电话给我,让我存更多的钱以支持我的交易最终将以失败告终! ! !这是游戏的第二部分,他们会一直打电话给我,说我们对你的损失感到抱歉,但我们会补偿你别担心,但你必须存入5,000 美元,我们会给你5,000 美元作为奖金,并且老实说,我已经做到了!因为我不能接受我的损失:(然后我觉得被他们困住了我不能离开,让我的损失就这样消失,游戏一次又一次地重新应用,直到我输光了我所有的钱它大约25,000 美元。请不要完全相信这家公司!!!!他们完全控制了我的账户,他们可以用我的账户为所欲为,我最近发现了这一点,当我试图从我的账户中取钱时,他们不要让他们说服我打开更多交易。请不要相信这家公司!!!!!!!

    Warning ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️
    Capitalix is not professional trading platform, I have been with them from 2022/05, and never get any profit 📈 They convince me to invest 200USD only in the beginning and they show me that how to trade and says its very simple!!!! And they explain that we will support you and i will have account manger he will help you but its the traps! they are very smarts thief's!!! And they keep asking me to make deposit and they promised that you will make very good profit in very short time!!!!! After i make money deposit with 5,000 USD here is the game start for them, they let me open a deal and they know very well this deal will be going in the opposite direction and then they keep calling me to make more money deposit for support of my deal and in the end the deal will be closed in lost!!! Here is the 2nd part of the game they will keep calling me and says we sorry for your lost but we will compensate you don't worry, but you have to make deposit with 5,000 USD and we will give you 5,000 USD as bonus, And i have do that to be honest!!! Because i couldn't accept my loss:( And then i feel am stuck with them i can't leave and let my lose just go away just like this, And the game its reapply again and again until i have lost all my money its about 25,000 USD. Please don't trust this company at all!!!! They have fully control of my account they can do anything they want with my account i recently discovered that, And when i was trying to withdraw money from my account they not let me They convince me to open more deals. Please don't trust this company!!!!!!


