2023年3月10日 14:43 发表于

你好,我叫hakan özgök。我在土耳其发帖。我想向你举报一个骗局。但我不知道去哪里申请。亲爱的工作人员,我要求一家中国公司提供信息。如果你能帮忙,我会很高兴。我开始在'交易美元Cowtrading Wealth Ltd' (https://www.cowtradingvip.com/ ) 通过一位中国密友。但是当我想提取我存入的美元时,他们以税收的名义要求美元。我付了钱,他们又问了一遍,我又付了钱。但他们仍然要求美元,而不是转回我账户中的金额。关于这个问题我应该联系哪些机构或组织?你能帮助我吗
Hello, my name is Hakan Özgök. I am writing you from turkey. I want to report you a scam. but I don't know where to apply., dear official, I am requesting information from a company of Chinese origin. I would be very glad if you can help. I started trading dollars at 'Cowtrading wealth ltd' (https://www.cowtradingvip.com/ ) through a Chinese close friend. But when I wanted to withdraw the dollar I deposited, they demanded dollars under the name of tax. I paid, they asked again, I paid again. But they are still requesting dollars and not transferring back the amount in my account. Which institutions or organizations should I contact about this issue? Can you help me