2023年3月8日 11:28 发表于

你好,交易商名字是Point Trading Markets(ptm) 和raynargroup llc(同一家公司)ptmfx.comraynargroup.com 交易商关闭了平台,他们的网站和客服团队没有回复电子邮件。请查看附件中我的存款。还有3 个提款请求已被拒绝($1389+1500+1600) 交易商没有退回账户中的金额。我在存款4700 美元(附收据)的基础上赚取了9000 美元以上的利润,但他们关闭了他们的平台并且没有得到客服的回应
The broker shutdown the platform and their web site and support team are not responding to emails.
Hi,Broker name is Point Trading Markets (PTM) & Raynargroup LLC (same company)ptmfx.comraynargroup.comThe broker shutdown the platform and their web site and support team are not responding to emails.Please find attached the deposits I made.Also there are 3 withdrawal requests that have been declined ($1389+1500+1600) and the broker didn't return back the amounts in the account.I made $9000+ profit on the top of my deposits $4700 (receipts attached), but the broker shutdown their platform and no response from the support team whatsoever.