2023年3月6日 22:32 发表于

这个女孩的名字叫蒂娜,她住在虹口。几个月前,我在网上进行了一次对话。那个女孩要我做她的学生。叫我交易... 他答应出示他的利润证明来让我获利。所以duxholding brokar e amr提供了一个模拟账户和真实账户...我把我所有的积蓄和利润都投入了...但是现在我不能取钱...告诉蒂娜850美元会在税前支付然后我的本金和利润将退还给我...这是欺诈...请帮我取款。拜托.....大家小心这个女孩。他们自己不过是个小偷,这么顽固
scam by a china girl... name TINA
This girl's name is Tina and she lives in Hongko. I had a conversation online a few months ago. The girl asked me to be her student. Ask me to trade... He promised to make my profit by showing proof of his profit. So duxholding brokar e amr provides a demo and real account... I invest all my savings and profit... But now I can't withdraw money... Telling Tina that $850 will be paid before taxes and then my capital and profits will be returned to me...which is a fraud... Please help me withdraw my money. please.....Everyone beware of this girl. They themselves are nothing more than a thief, being so bigoted