2023年2月16日 08:41 发表于

我希望我知道这个网站。我被骗了200000美元。他们app里的品牌塑造做得非常好。看起来像是一家名为BC集团的真实公司。我被一个老师/交易专家带走了,他是我的上线,也是我的情敌,他们在让我加入他们的骗局之前为我工作了五个月。交易专家David老师冒充BC集团的首席财务官Davin Wu.和Winnie的爱人。我建议大家在怀疑有骗局的时候做一个反向图像搜索。香港警方通知了FBI和多伦多警方。我在中国的社交媒体上找到了一张Winnie的照片,最后一张照片是我强迫她发给我的,作为证据。我已经给社交媒体和香港警方发了信息,以追踪此事。婷婷是旗子旁边的人。如果有人认出这些人中的任何一个,请让我知道。
got taken by this app and the scammers behind it
I wish i knew about this website. I got taken for 200000USD. they played it very well with branding inside the app to look like authentic to a real company called bc group. they tried to make it all seem legit as possible.. Got taken by a teacher/trading expert. my handler and the love interest. they worked me for 5 months before they got me into their scam. the girl helping me pay through crypto her name was tine . The trading expert Teacher david posing as the chief financial officer Davin Wu of bc group. and Winnie the love interest. I suggest everyone out there when suspecting a scam do a reverse image search. Honk Kong police inforrmed . fbi and Toronto police informed. I was able to find one picture of winnie in a chinese social media. the last picture i forced her to send this to me as proof. ans have messaged the social media and honk kong police to trace this. the love interest own or manages a beauty salon. and on the social media platfrom shes talking about cosmetics,facial etc. Tina is the other with the flags. If anyone recognizes any of these women please let me know.