2023年2月1日 07:01 发表于

这项业务是骗局;不要投资它。在我与他们进行了大量投资后,当我试图从中取款时,他们拉黑了所有联系信息和我的账户。不要在这家公司浪费你的钱。我用Cyb3rnub*net 申请了退款。这是一个黑公司,我已经更改了我的Metatrader4 帐户的密码。我可以登录并看到即使提款后钱还在帐户中。
I had to use cyber security help
This business is a scam; don't invest in it. After I made a substantial investment with them, they banned all of their contact information and my account when I sought to withdraw money from it. With this company, don't waste your money. I applied for a r fund with Cyb3rnub*net. This is a significant con. company, I have changed the password of my Metatrader4 account. I can log in and see that the money is still in the account even after withdrawal.